Fast and safe choice Genieworks 2.0

Provides various functions for website operation

Email surveys are a convenient way of collecting information about products and services, and conducting market research. Surveys were conducted using phone or written survey forms on file but response rates were very low and considerable time was required for analyzing results.

Email surveys are inexpensive and helpful for quick decision making because they allow real-time result analysis. More in-depth analysis of customer opinions is allowed through simple multiple choice and subjective surveys as well as various other types.

  • Pop-up Management
  • banner Management
  • Surveys Management

Survey questions can be properly organized by applying skip patterns with various survey reply types, including matrix, ranking, criterion, number/text input and compulsory or multiple reply types. Furthermore, corporate log, company name, color and image can be added and links can be connected for respondents to move to PR landing pages after surveys are done. The conditions for closing surveys can be set at general survey periods, as can number of respondents, and both can be altered even when surveys are being conducted. Various analyses and charts of survey results will provide insights into collecting customers’ opinions, which can be used in connection with other programs by downloading raw data.