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Panasia, first successful retrofit of De-NOx system


Panasia, first successful retrofit of De-NOx system


Panasia, which is specialized in eco-friendly energy facilities,

Makes the fruit with lavish R&D investment





Panasia successfully completed a De-NOx System(SCR) project for retrofit of vessel, Hoegh Galleon, owned and operated by Hoegh LNG.

It is meaningful, because Panasia provided the one-stop for green retrofit solutions ranging from engineering, project management to retrofitting and commissioning assistance on site.

With this, Panasia is now one of the world’s leading engineering and project management service providers for retrofit of BWTS and SCR Systems on ships.




In addition, Panasia's PaNOx SCR System was selected as the ‘2019 Next Generation World-Class Product of Korea’ by KOTRA last year. In the case of the next generation world class products category, products must have a global market share within top five ranking within seven years. 




Panasia adopts SCR(Selective Catalytic Reduction) method in PaNOx Marine. It is an eco-friendly system that dissolves nitrogen oxides (NOx) in exhaust gases into harmless water (H2O) and nitrogen (N2) through chemical reactions with the reducing agent (UREA) in the catalytic layer.




From 2021, the North Sea and the Baltic Sea will be newly added to existing areas of banning to discharge NOx. As Panasia's technology of ECS product is globally recognized, demand for retrofit of existing vessels as well as new shipbuilding is expected to grow further.