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PANASIA's BWTS in the biggest container ship

PANASIA's BWTS in the biggest container ship

On April 23rd, Daewoo Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering located in Geoje city, South Korea had a naming ceremony for the biggest containership, ‘HMM ALGECIRAS’.


This container vessel owned by HMM(EX HYUNDAI MARCHANT MARINE) recorded as the biggest size in the world can carry 23,964 TEU container in a time.



Former biggest sized vessel was 23,756TEU container vessel, MSC MIA owned by MSC which was built at Samsung Heavy Industries Co., Ltd.



MSC MIA and HMM ALGECIRAS ships give a special meaning to Panasia. That means Panasia BWTS(GloEn-PatrolTM) are installed in both of them.


In addition, Panasia BWTS will be fitted in the 16,000TEU containerships being built at Hyundai Heavy Industries Co.,Ltd. The vessels will operate to USA mainly so BWTS should be approved by United State Coast Guard (USCG).


Panasia acquired two kinds of USCG type approval with 48hours and 24hours holding time has a unique operating parameter comparing with other manufacturers. With this point, shipowner and/or operator can choose the any one according to vessel’s operation route.


Same as HMM ALGECIRAS, Samsung Heavy Industries is also building same sized vessel and the 1st series vessel will be delivered to HMM in near future.


In that vessel, Panasia Scrubber(PaSOXTM) will be installed to meet sulphur cap 2020 regulation as well as BWTS. 



Panasia will become the only maker who provide SCRUBBER and BWTS together in the biggest containership.



Not only new building project but also many SCRUBBER retrofit projects (19,000TEU containership, bulk carrier and tankers) are being progressed, as an eco-friendly enterprise, Panasia provides good solution to shipowner to comply environmental regulation for atmospheric and oceanic.