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Air quality

  • Eco-friendly Solution
  • Air quality
  • Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage system(CCUS)

Carbon Capture, Utilization
and Storage system(CCUS)

Product Description

PANASIA’s carbon capture utilization system “Pan-CCUS (Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage)” is a technology that isolates from the atmosphere carbon dioxide emissions from large-sized fossil fuel-powered emitters, such as power plants, steel and cement plants, and ships.

Air pollution has been worsened by carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuels used in industrial facilities. Both in Korea and abroad, efforts are being made to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Schematic diagram of hydrogen reforming and carbon capture process

Regulation trend (Onshore Market)

- Overhaul of the Greenhouse Gas Emission Trading Scheme, the key to the 2050 Zero-Carbon Policy

The Greenhouse Gas Emission Trading Scheme is a program in which the government allocates allowances each year to facilities releasing greenhouse gas emissions,
evaluates actual GHG emissions from those emitters, and permits the emitters to trade their excess allowances with those with a shortage of allowances.

  • Concept of Emissions Trading Scheme

  • Phase 3 of the Plan (2021-25) Carbon Emission Allowances

- Strict limits on emissions

  • The government sets clear greenhouse gas (GHG) emission
    targets and allocates emission allowances to the respective
    economic agents participating in the Emission Trading
    Scheme to meet those targets.

  • By setting a gradually declining emissions cap, the
    government can present predictable emission pathways
    and send long-term market signals to companies and

*The Korean version of the Emissions Trading Scheme came into effect on January 1, 2015, following the creation of the Act on Allocation and Trading of
Greenhouse Gas Emission Allowances (May 2012) on the basis of Article 46 of the Framework Act on Low Carbon, Green Growth (Jan. 2020)

- Alternatives to land regulation

  • 01

    Trading of carbon credits

  • 02

    Transitioning to eco-friendly fuel-powered plants

  • 03

    Installing CCUS Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage

- Domestic Market Size for Onshore CCUS

Companies selected for allocation that have installed CCUS do not have to buy credits for 10% of the allowances reserved for auction.
They can make profits by selling as many credits as the amount of emissions they have reduced.

684 companies selected for allocation during Phase 3 of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading Scheme Plan (2021-2025)

Regulatory trends (Offshore)

- Carbon emissions regulation for offshore/onboard applications

The International Maritime Organization (IMO) brought into effect
the EEDI (Energy Efficiency Design Index) and EEXI (Energy Efficiency eXisting ship Index) as initial strategies for reducing greenhouse gas emissions from ships.

  • EEDI

    Energy Efficiency
    Design Index

    • Setting targets to reduce CO2 emissions per transport work by the Nth year below the 2008 peak
    • CO2 emissions generated by a ship when transporting 1 ton of cargo 1 nautical mile; for 13 types of ships of more than 400 tons gross tonnage, the EEDI must be calculated for each new ship
    • The EEDI applies to newly built ships since 2015, targeting a 30% reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by 2025 (with the base year of 2013)
  • EEXI

    Energy Efficiency
    eXisting ship Index

    • Applies to existing ships just the same as the EEDI does; the EEDI phase 2 or phase 3 reduction requirements apply, depending on the type of the ship.
    • This marks the beginning of the short-term target to achieve the IMO’s 2030 GHG reduction target of 40%.
  • EEDI Phase

    phase 0 ~ phase 5

    • phase 0
      - After 2013 , newly built ships must meet the initial EEDI reference line
    • phase 1
      - After 2015, 10% reduction below the initial EEDI reference line
    • phase 2
      - After 2020, 20% reduction below the EEDI reference line
      - After 2022, 30% reduction below the EEDI reference line for gas carriers, container ships,
      general cargo ships, and LNG carriers; 40% reduction for larger ships (added to the 73rd MEPC.)
    • phase 3
      - After 2025, 30% reduction below the EEDI reference line for newly built ships
    • phase 4(projected)
      - After 2030, 40% reduction below the EEDI reference line for newly built ships
    • phase 5(projected)
      - After 2050, 50% reduction below the EEDI reference line for newly built ships

- Alternatives to maritime regulations

  • EEDI

    ESD, Energy Saving Device

    Air Lubrication System, ALS

    Wind Assisted Ship Propulsion, WASP

    Building an eco-friendly fuel ship.

    CCUS (Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage)

  • EEXI

    Shaft/Engine Power Limit

    ESD, Energy Saving Device

    Converting from fossil fuels to eco-friendly fuels (almost impossible due to engine replacement)

    CCUS (Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage)