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Display IP

Display IP

퀄리타스반도체는 디스플레이 칩셋 (Display Chipset)을 위한 다양한 HSI IP를 제공합니다. ​디스플레이 패널 제품이 다변화됨에 따라 응용분야가 다양해지고 있어, Display Chipset 역시 새로운 성장동력을 얻고 있습니다. 4K UHD에 이어 8K UHD 해상도를 지원하는 디스플레이 기기들의 출시로 더 선명한 화질과 해상도로 정보를 전달하려 합니다. 대표적인 디스플레이 칩셋은 크게 DTV SoC, TCON IC, DDI가 있으며 더 높은 해상도와 고화질 데이터를 전송하기 위한 초고속 인터페이스 IP와 디스플레이 칩셋 개발은 퀄리타스반도체의 중요한 과제 중 하나입니다.

퀄리타스반도체는 TCON 인터페이스의 대표적인 표준인 eDP 그리고 TCON IC에서 패널을 구동하는 DDI로 영상 신호를 전송하기 위한 Intra-Panel 인터페이스를 제공하고 있습니다.


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The eDP RX PHY IP is a cost- effective and low-power solution that includes IO pads and ESD structures. With extensive built-in self-test features, including loopback and scan support, it ensures robust functionality and easy verification. This hardmacro supports the eDP RX v1.4b and v1.5a standard and is commonly used for connecting a timing controller (TCON) to a host processor.


  • Compliant with DisplayPort v1.4, eDP v1.4b, and eDP v1.5a
  • Supports for 1.62Gbps to Max 8.1Gbps data rate
  • Supports for eDP v1.4b feature such as PSR1 and PSR2
  • Supports for eDP v1.5a feature such as AUX-less Link Training
  • Adaptive continuous time linear equalizer (CTLE) and decision feedback equalization (DFE)
  • Automatic calibration of analog circuits and offset correction
  • Built-in eye open monitor
  • Built-in self-test (BIST) including pseudo random bit stream (PRBS) generation and checker

Tech Specs

Foundry Node 14nm
Standard eDP v1.4b eDP v1.5a
Max. datarate Disclosure After NDA

Intra-Panel TX PHY

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Qualitas' Intra-panel TX PHY IP is an advanced chip-on-glass(ACOG) and chip-on-film(COF) transmitter embedded into the timing controller for TFT-LCD panel. The technology enables a single chip to support multiple display interfaces, reducing system cost and complexity. It also provides higher data transfer rates, low power consumption, and compatibility with a wide range of devices.


  • Supports for 120Mbps to Max 4Gbps data rate
  • Supports Power Down Mode and Low-Power Mode during V-blank period
  • Programmable differential transmitter output impedance (75ohm ~ 180ohm)
  • Programmable different transmitter output amplitude (max 6dB)
  • Jitter Injector included for debugging feature
  • Built-in self-test (BIST) including pseudo random bit stram (PRBS) generation and checker

Tech Specs

Foundry Node 28nm 14nm 8nm
Standard Clarity Post-NDA
Max. datarate