cookie policy

Cookie policy

  1. What are cookies?

    The current website uses cookies that store and refer some of the information related to your website's usage to provide customized services. Cookies are used by the web server in the process of accessing and utilizing the website Deliver a small text file to the Web browser and store it on your computer's memory or hard disk. When you reconnect to the Web site in the future, check the contents of cookies stored in your memory or on your hard disk to optimize them Maintain a user experience and provide optimized, customized services. Cookies do not collect personally identifiable information. If you do not want to save information in cookies during use, you may refuse or delete the saved information.

  2. Purpose of use

    Cookies are being used to improve customer service quality and upgrade customized services by checking the frequency of visits and usage time of customers accessing the website.

    • connection statistics, analysis tools
    • Pop-up window operation
    • Participate in the event
  3. a method of rejection

    You can choose to use and install cookies. You can allow cookies to be used or refuse to use cookies. Most web browsers have cookie usage enabled, and you will need to adjust the settings in the web browser to control cookie usage.

    • There are some differences in how to set up depending on the type of web browser.
    • Search for 'Cookie' in Settings in the web browser.

    If you refuse to use cookies, you will have access to most of the information on the website, but there may be restrictions on customized services.