privacy policy

Privacy Policy

  1. Privacy Policy

    'AUTO& Inc.' (hereinafter the 'Company') values customer's personal information in accordance with Article 30 of the Personal Information Protection Act, and the Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization, Personal Information Protection Regulations, We are complying with the notice of administrative protection measures. Through the privacy policy, the company determines how and for what purpose the personal information provided by customers is used, and what measures are taken to protect personal information. I'll let you know if there is. The following personal information processing policy is effective from the effective date, and if there are additions, deletions, or corrections of changes according to laws and policies, we will notify you through the website notice (or individual notice) before the change is implemented.

    Display of main personalinformation processing
    • Collecting

    • Use of personal

    • Period for

    • Commissioning
      process of personal

    • Details of provision
      of personal information
      to 3rdparty

    • Destruction of

    • User’s right

    • Safeguards to
      ensure the safety
      of personal

    • Automatic
      personal information

    • Chief privacy

    • Remedies for
      of rights

    • Personal
      access requests

    • Changes to
      the privacy policy

  2. Purpose of processing personal information

    We process personal information for the following purposes. The processed personal information will not be used for any purpose other than the following, and if the purpose of use is changed, necessary measures such as obtaining separate consent in accordance with Article 18 of the 「Personal Information Protection Act」 will be implemented. “Processing of personal information” means collection, creation, recording, storage, retention, processing, editing, search, output, correction, recovery, use, provision, disclosure, destruction, and other similar methods of personal information.

    • Processing of complaints such as personal identification, delivery of customer inquiries.
  3. Period for Retention and Use of Personal Information

    In principle, the Company destroys personal information of users without delay when the purpose of its collection and use is achieved. However, if required by relevant laws and regulations, the Company will retain the information for a certain period as designated by those laws and regulations as follows: InfInformation to be retained: Personal information and complaint details provided when the complaint is reported

    Service Purpose Information to be retained Governing law Period
    identification, delivery
    of Contact Customers
    name, e-mail, phone number,
    contents of Customer Contact
    3 years
    Site improvement
    by web browsing history
    cookies and IP address. PROTECTION OF
    3 months
  4. Provision of personal information to third parties
    The company processes the personal information of the information subject only within the scope specified in ‘2. Purpose of processing personal information’, and it exceeds the scope of the original purpose without the consent of the information subject or special provisions of the law, except for the following cases. So We do not process it or provide it to third parties.
    • In case of obtaining separate consent from the information subject
    • If there are special provisions in other laws
    • When the information subject or his/her legal representative is unable to express his/her intention or prior consent cannot be obtained due to unknown address, etc. If recognized
    • When providing personal information in a form that cannot identify a specific individual as it is necessary for the purpose of statistical preparation and academic research
    • In cases where personal information is not used for purposes other than the intended purpose or if it is not provided to a third party, it is impossible to perform the duties stipulated by other laws and has been deliberated and decided by the Protection Committee
    • In case it is necessary to provide it to a foreign government or international organization for the implementation of treaties and other international agreements
    • When it is necessary for the investigation of a crime and the initiation and maintenance of public prosecution
    • In case it is necessary to carry out the judicial affairs of the court
    • In case it is necessary for the execution of punishment, probation, and protective disposition
  5. Commissioning process of personal information

    In principle, the company does not entrust the processing of the personal information to others without the user's consent. If there is a need to entrust personal information processing in the future, We will notify you of the contents of the consignment contract (compliance with laws and regulations related to personal information protection, prohibition of provision of personal information to third parties and responsibilities, etc.) through notices and privacy policy. In addition, we will obtain prior consent if necessary.

    Purpose Trustee company Commissioned task Use and Retention Period
    O&M of Web site MALGUM Co., Ltd Development and Operate of web site Destroy it immediately after achieving the purpose of use.
  6. User's right

    The subject of information can exercise the rights related to the protection of personal information in each of the following subparagraphs.

    • Request to read personal information
    • Request for correction in case of errors, etc.
    • Request for deletion
    • Request to stop processing
  7. Period for Retention and Use of Personal Information

    The Company destroys your personal information as follows without delay when the purpose of its collection and use is achieved. The procedure and method of destroying personal information of our company are as follows.

    • Destruction procedure : Personal information is destroyed to the Company’s policy and/or relevant laws and regulations.
    • Destruction period: When personal information becomes unnecessary, such as when the personal information retention period has elapsed or the purpose of processing has been achieved. We will destroy the personal information without delay.
    • Destruction method : For information in the form of electronic files, a technical method that cannot reproduce the record is used. Information recorded on paper is shredded.
  8. Measures to ensure the safety of personal information

    The company is taking the following measures to ensure the safety of personal information.

    • Managerial measures : establishment and implementation of internal management plans, regular employee training, etc.
    • Technical measures : management of access rights to the database, installation of an access control system, encryption of unique identification information, installation of security programs
    • Physical measures : Control access to server rooms, etc.
  9. Personal Information Protection Officer

    The company is responsible for overall Processing of personal information, and has designated a person in charge of personal information protection as follows to handle complaints and damage relief from information subjects related to personal information processing.

    • Chief Privacy Officer : Jeon Eun seok (070-4607-4437) /
    • Privacy protection manager : Kim Su Ji (+82 31-360-5304) /

    The information subject may inquire to the person in charge of personal information protection for all personal information protection-related inquiries, complaint Processing, damage relief, etc. that occurred while using the company's services (or business). The company responds to inquiries from information subjects We will respond and process without delay.

  10. Department that receives and processes requests for personal information access.

    The main agents may request the following departments to view personal information pursuant to Article 35 of the Personal Information Protection Act. We will try to ensure that the request for personal information access by the main agents of the information is processed quickly. However, you may request an original or copy of the identification card that confirms that you are the data subject. If you are not the data subject yourself, it is only possible through a legal representative or an agent through a power of attorney.

    No. Purpose of use Dept Email
    1 Request for personal information
    access received and processed
    Customer Service
    Remedies for infringements of rights.

    An individual may ask the following institutions questions about remedies for and consultation about personal information infringements. If you are not satisfied with the manner in which the Personal Information Protection Commission handled your complaints related to either your personal information or damage thereof, or if you need more help, please contact the following:

    • Personal Information Dispute Mediation Committee: (without extension) 1833-6972,
    • Personal Information Infringement Report Center (operated by KISA): (without extension) 118,
    • Cybercrime Investigation Division, Supreme Prosecutor’s Office: (without extension) 1301,
    • Cyber Security Division, National Police Agency: (without extension) 182,
  11. Change of privacy policy.
    • This personal information processing policy is subject to change as necessary, such as laws and regulations, government policies, or company internal policies.
    • If there is any addition, deletion, or modification, it will be notified at least 7 days before the revision through a pop-up on the free comparison website. However, if there is a significant change in user rights, it will be notified at least 14 days in advance.
    • If the processing policy has to be changed inevitably due to changes in related laws or company policies, we can quickly inform you through the website.
  12. Implementation date : 2024.05.03